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What’s happening at Indiana hospitals
We must do all we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19, protect our most vulnerable populations, and reduce the spread of the virus. While some actions are drastic, now, not later, is the time to act.
– Governor Holcomb
Mask Up, Hoosiers
It’s time to lock arms and fight the pandemic together.
Omicron Surge Brings New Challenges
It has been two years since COVID-19 emerged, taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans and straining hospitals across the country to the limit. The highly contagious Omicron variant has fueled a significant new wave of COVID-19 cases…
Indiana Health Systems Plea for More Vaccinations Statewide
Three leading health systems in Indiana are pleading for more people in the community to get vaccinated. Community Health Network, Eskenazi Health, and Indiana University Health joined forces in December 2021 to urge people in their communities to get the…
Indiana: Rapid Increase in COVID-19 Hospitalizations
In late 2021, there had been a rapid increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations. As a result, the Indiana Hospital Association (IHA), Indiana State Medical Association (ISMA), and Indiana State Nurses Association (ISNA) urged Hoosiers who were not yet vaccinated to get…
Delta Wave Exacerbates Pandemic Challenges
The highly contagious Delta variant has brought a significant new wave of COVID-19 cases in Indiana, causing hospitalizations to rise as high as 2,326 in September. This is creating further strain on our frontline heroes who have battled valiantly throughout the…
Hoosier Hospitals is a partner of the Indiana Hospital Association. Together, we want to help create a flourishing and healthy community for Hoosiers.