Hospitals are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, caring for Hoosiers, and providing testing. The State of Indiana tapped on hospitals to be part of its newly formed Laboratory Testing Network to expand access to testing for Hoosiers….
Indiana Hospitals Are Safe
Indiana’s hospitals are safe and ready to provide care. Healthcare needs can change by the minute. Hoosier hospitals are still here for you when you need them. Maternity care, essential care, preventative care, emergency care, or for anything else that…
Flattening the Curve
Dr. Ram Yeleti, chief physician executive with Community Health Network, talks about the importance of flattening the curve during the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea behind ‘flattening the curve’ is to reduce the number of patients coming into the hospitals so that…
Committed to Your Safety
Across Indiana, hospitals are committed to keeping you safe. Most importantly, they are taking additional precautions to keep patients just like you protected. It is vital that patients don’t delay seeking the health care they need. Dr. Eric Fish, COO,…
Why Viral Load Matters
Family medicine doctor at Margaret Mary Health, John Gryspreerdt, talks about why viral load matters when it comes to COVID-19. He explains that if you are exposed to a very small amount of the virus, you may only experience mild…
Indiana Hospitals Call for Blood Donations
Indiana hospitals have issued an immediate call for more blood donations. The supply of donated blood was hindered by the cancellation of dozens of blood drives during the stay-at-home order earlier this summer. With the resumption of elective procedures, hospitals…
The Cleaning Strategies of Hospitals
The Operations Manager of Environmental Services at Parkview Health, Bryan Jacobi, talks about the detailed and lengthy training his staff receives. The Parkview Health Environmental Services technicians are well-trained in the duties of the job. They must be disciplined as…
Why You Shouldn’t Fear Visiting the Hospital
Reporter Jared Jernagan shares his personal experience and why you shouldn’t fear visiting the hospital. He received a call requesting his presence at his local hospital and despite some initial hesitation, he went. Jernagan shares his first-hand experience visiting the…
How’s COVID-19 Different Than the Flu?
It can be confusing to try to understand the difference between COVID-19 and the flu. While both COVID-19 and the flu are viral respiratory illnesses, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is much newer than the flu. As a result, there…
Amish Community Makes Masks for Goshen Health
In early April, a member of the Amish community learned that Goshen Health had kits available for the community to sew masks. He requested 150 kits, each had enough materials to make 10 masks. Staff at Goshen Health gave him…