Indiana is home to world-class healthcare. Our experts are here to address many of your COVID-19 concerns and questions.
We learned about the coronavirus early in 2020 and clinicians and researchers have been rushing to learn more about it and how to treat it. Indiana is fortunate to have many hospital experts who continue to share the latest information throughout the pandemic to help the public understand this vicious disease.
Do Hospitals Make Money from COVID-19?
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on hospitals. Not only have they been treating patients who have been very ill but they have also had major financial losses. Many hospitals shut down elective surgeries and other services for many…
Flu, Cold or COVID-19?
The upcoming flu season will be very different than any other flu season, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on what your symptoms can mean. Signs of influenza can easily be mistaken for the common cold or COVID-19. Learn more…
Flattening the Curve
Dr. Ram Yeleti, chief physician executive with Community Health Network, talks about the importance of flattening the curve during the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea behind ‘flattening the curve’ is to reduce the number of patients coming into the hospitals so that…
Why Viral Load Matters
Family medicine doctor at Margaret Mary Health, John Gryspreerdt, talks about why viral load matters when it comes to COVID-19. He explains that if you are exposed to a very small amount of the virus, you may only experience mild…
Hoosier Hospitals is a partner of the Indiana Hospital Association. Together, we want to help create a flourishing and healthy community for Hoosiers.